The Vancouver Diaries

We're not in Kansas anymore.

Blame Canada

Yup.  I’m doing it.  I’m moving myself from the flatlands of Kansas, USA to the mountainous West coast of Vancouver, BC.  Is this real life?  If someone would have told me 5 months ago that I would be making the journey next weekend, I wouldn’t have believed it.  Then again 5 months ago I met a pretty great guy.

First Kiss

The power he had over me in the first 5 minutes could have convinced me to rob a bank.  Maybe not something that extreme, but you get the point!  I was taken.  So here I am.  I’ve packed up my whole life, sold half of it, sending most of it home with my mom, taking only the essentials with me (clothes, shoes, jewelry), and it’s all going to fit in my little jelly bean of a car! … possibly.

The Bean

Either way, there is no turning back now.  I found someone to take over my part of the lease I had with 3 other girls, and thanks to my good friend Kate (shout out!) I have an overly fluffy couch with my name on it for the next week.  Trading a spacious, 4bd 3b two story house with hardwood floors in the perfect location for a 1 bedroom bachelor pad will be worth it.  I hope.  I think.  … I’m pretty sure.

Surprise! Flowers at work!

No I’m positive it will be worth it. 😉  Come on!  This man sent me flowers at work!  And they say chivalry is dead.  “They” must be dating the wrong guys.

– Morgan xx

One comment on “Blame Canada

  1. Kara
    August 13, 2012

    I look forward to keeping up with your blog. 🙂

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